Daniel Fast Tortillas and Chickpea Salad

An easy meal to get you through your 21-day fast

Bamboo bowl with chick peas — Free Stock Photo © deeaf #118839008

The Daniel Fast can be a great way to feel better about what you eat. We only get one body and it’s best to take care of it the best we can. These Daniel Fast tortillas and chickpea salad is a great dinner when you need something quick. We like to make and chill the salad and then wrap it in a homemade tortilla on Summer days for lunches.


The Rills Family Tries the Daniel Fast

In 2008 the Rill family did the Daniel Fast for the first time. Let me just say right now that it was terrible. We spent so much time in the kitchen cooking and planning meals that almost nothing else got done. It was a time of growth that tested our patience and perseverance to the max.

The fast completely changed the way our family ate. Going into the fast we ate white rice, white pasta, packaged dinners, and almost nothing that took more than an hour to cook. Today there is not a box of white pasta in the cupboard or white rice in our pantry. We make all of our bread and tortillas from scratch and we actually enjoy the time we take out of our day to make wholesome food.

What we learned in the Daniel Fast as a family we are also applying to Rill Foods as a company. We started to make our own beef base and vegetable base so we could avoid any artificial ingredients. Our vegetable base is even Daniel Fast okay since we made it without sugar.

If this is your first fast or you just need a little encouragement we would like to let you know that it does get easier. Healthy eating seems so much better even after your fast is over. If you would like to buy Daniel Fast soups for you or a friend, you can find all our Daniel Fast okay products at rillfoods.com. If you need more information on the Daniel Fast and what you can and cannot eat, check out this article by UlitimateDanielFast.com. Below we have two recipes that got us through our first fast that we still eat today.

Homemade Flour Tortillas

3 Cups Whole Wheat Flour
1 Teaspoon Sea Salt
1/4 Cup Oil
1 Cup Warm Water

Combine all ingredients and mix until a dough forms. Roll the dough into a big ball them tear off 1 or 2 in pieces. Pat the dough into flat round pieces with your hands or a rolling pin. Cook on a hot skillet until both sides have brown specks. *If you let the dough sit in the fridge or on the counter for an hour the tortillas seem to puff up better when you’re cooking them.

Chickpea Salad

1 Cup Chickpeas dried
Desired Vegetables:



Soak the Chickpeas in water overnight. Drain the water then add fresh water to the pot.

Cook the beans at a boil for 1 hour or until tender. Drain the water.

Add your cut vegetables and a Daniel Fast okay dressing. We add lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, or just a splash of olive oil.