Getting Rid of Fruit Flies-A Spring Annoyance

Fruit Salad | Cooking Matters- a stock image of fruit for decoration

Getting rid of fruit flies can be a challenge. That is why we are sharing two of our favorite methods of getting rid of these pests.


Spring is in the air at the Rill Foods Production facility. The crocuses have started to bloom, the daylilies are peeking out from underneath their mulch and the red-breasted Robins are back in hoards. These signs of spring are a welcome reminder that life is returning and rejuvenating after a long dreary winter. But getting rid of fruit flies is the only thing on my mind. Yes, the returns of some animals are not so celebrated here at Rills. (If you want to read more about fruit flies you can check out this article by The University of Kentucky.)

Just yesterday we saw the first fruit fly of the year hanging out in a basket of oranges. We compost all of the scraps out of our kitchen and every summer these little buggers find a way in then multiply, seemingly by the thousands, in just a matter of hours. Pesticides are expensive and usually toxic. You don’t want to spray chemicals around your house to deal with these creatures; especially when you have animals or kids running around.

But no longer will we have to tolerate these creepy-crawlies! Lacey found a nice little trick to get rid of the flying menaces.


Method 1
What you need:

2tsp of cider vinegar

1tsp of sugar

dish soap

bowl of water


Mix the cider vinegar, sugar, and several drops of liquid soap in a bowl of water.
The vinegar and sugar attract the fruit flies then the soap kills them.


Method 2
What you will need:


small bowl

apple cider vinegar

plastic wrap

toothpick or knife


Partially fill a small bowl with apple cider vinegar. Cover with plastic wrap. Poke holes in the top of the plastic wrap.
This method traps the fruit flies and they won’t be able to get back out.


And there you have it! Give one of these methods a try to get rid of the spring annoyance around your home!


You can read more about what is happening around our factory here: The Machine Saga